
Email Integration

  • Price: $100.00
  • Brief:

    Set up and Configure Email for your domain name.

Configuring Email can be a difficult task. There are a lot of things that can trip you up. Why not let the professionals handle it?

Two things you should know about Email...

  1. that Email runs on its own server,
  2. that you do not want anything to do with managing that server!

Let us set it up for you.

  • Configure DNS for Email
  • Set up your server for Email
  • Integrate your server to work with your Email provider
  • Set up up to 10 email accounts
  • Include a tutorial sheet showing how to add or delete email accounts on your own.

With all of the Email viruses and potential threats that exist today why would you not let the professionals handle it. Not to mention spam and junk mail. Let the professionals handle it, that's what they do, that's what they get paid for... and they are good at it!

There are host of dedicated Email outfits out there to choose from and any of them can be configured to handle your Email needs.

I have been using for a while now and I can honestly say that out of the few email providers I have had over the years, they are by far the best. Their pricing is great and their plans are very generous.